188 days on the water 82 sections of river 3 countries 11 US states 61 New Haven laps 13 Vermont Weekly Whitewater Beer Series Races 5 published pieces (for which I was paid — a couple more pro bono in… Continue Reading →
Outside Middlebury, VT tucked away just beyond the prying eyes of passing leef peepers lies one of the most dramatic bedrock river gorges in the state. Its sculpted corridor houses four back-to-back waterfalls, the final two hidden beneath overhanging walls… Continue Reading →
I’m no stranger to the kind of kayak trip that people call a “mission.” Accidentally spending a night on the river in Mexico. Postholing tits deep in northern NH with a kayak strapped to my back. The list goes on; I’ve had… Continue Reading →
I put together a short video from paddling in the Northeast this spring. Rivers are New Haven, Middlebury, Clarendon Gorge, Mettawee, Moose, Otter Creek.
I managed to get out on the Sheldon Springs section of the Missisquoi yesterday. American Whitewater is working on negotiating (well, arranging — they were negotiated something like twenty years ago) releases on this northern VT section, and so I… Continue Reading →
It was an interesting but disappointing spring here in New England. Some late season snowfall brought us up to average or better snowpacks in the mountains, but spring never really arrived and so the entire snowpack dwindled away over the… Continue Reading →
If you ever want to save money by going on a paddling vacation, Ecuador is the place to go. Fly to Quito, take a $3.25 bus to Baeza, get off the bus, walk 50 feet up a hill and check… Continue Reading →
Back in the Pucon siphon, my back started to improve and I began kayaking again on some of the easier runs. In the meantime, Daphnee, Ari, Greg, et al ran the Carhuello and returned with reports of one of the… Continue Reading →
After a sweet late-October run of the Dryway and a high water lap on the East Branch of the Pemi, I packed my kayak in a bag, batted my eyelashes at the American Airlines check-in counter lady, and checked a… Continue Reading →
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