Grand Canyon River Map

Project link:

This is an interactive river map of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado with topography, information about river miles, camps, and rapids. It will eventually have a companion mobile app that allows users to download the map for online use and interact with the GPS functionality of their phones. It’s based on public geospatial data provided by the USGS and Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center (GCMRC).

Technical Information

The app is written in Javascript (ES6) using React, Leaflet, and Brunch. The underlying map tile is from Mapbox and is their “outdoors” layer.

Going Forward

Over the first part of 2018, I’ll be enhancing the map to be more user friendly and attempting to source additional public domain information about rapids, camps, and other notable features of the Grand Canyon for river runners. I’ll also be building a back-end Rails API app to support user accounts and interactivity in advance of creating a mobile application.

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